Monday, September 12, 2011

civil war.

i'm not one to brag.
really i'm not- especially when it comes to professional opportunities, but i worked hard for this so listen up folks!!!
this fall i will become part of the higher education system at two major research universities in my home state.


i'll be teaching in the the digital arts program at my alma mater, UO.
i'll also be teaching in the graphic design program at OSU.
my fellow alum have asked me several times if i feel conflicted.

the answer, obviously, is "no."
in all seriousness i just want to reiterate that how grateful i am to everyone who helped me get to this point... thank you, peeps!
wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

pg (post graduate)

i did it.
i survived grad school.
it was tough.
so tough, i couldn't even write about it until now... nearly 2 months after graduation.
here's me right before my oral defense:

and here's me after i nailed it:

here's me with (some of) my girls right afterwards:

and here's (most of) us on Friday.
at the bar.
after the last day of orals.

i love these people.
love them.

L to R:
Ray, Carl, Samantha, Elizabeth, Gia, Dan (in the shades), me (Lindsay), Bryson, and that's Katie down in front.
not pictured but not forgotten is Tyler, Mike, and Ruta... who i also love.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

ape reel

graduation is in 6 weeks.


we still don't know where our thesis show is going to be, but I'm hoping we find out soon seeing as how we're supposed to start installing in three weeks. JEEZ. the time is flying by. my thesis paper is due in 9 days. NINE DAYS. So far it's looking pretty good- according to the feedback I've gotten so far. I just need to finish.

I've also been busy applying for teaching jobs, getting a copy of my birth certificate, filling out my passport application, and making plans for my trip to Europe this summer. CANNOT wait. It will be especially amazing if I can secure a job before I leave. Being worry free in Europe for a month or so is just about the best graduation present I could ask for.

Keeping fingers crossed that it all works out. You do the same for me, okay?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

kelly moore bags

Okay... so as I hunt for the the right camera for me, I am hunting for the right camera BAG as well. As with most things, I'm very particular about what I want.
I'm planning to go to Europe this summer and need a need a bag that will travel well, protect my investment, and wear comfortably. But I also want a bag that doesn't look like a "camera bag..." I'm not trying to be targeted by criminals, folks.

If you or someone you know is on the same quest for perfection, let me be a beacon of light on your journey and guide you towards Kelly Moore Bags. WHAT a find! Beautiful bags, quality construction, smart design, and... they do not look like your typical "camera bag."

Equipped with shoulder pads (for those w/ messenger straps,) and removable, padded, adjustable, dividers, you can configure your bag to suit your needs. And did I mention they are BEAUTIFUL!?!?!!

Bonus: there are videos on the company's website that show you the features of several of the Kelly Moore Bags. <-- AWESOME, because let's face it- it helps to be able to try things on and check out the pockets and zippers. These videos are the next best thing. I really liked the b-hobo bag, but wasn't sure it would be big enough. I want a bag that will fit my new camera, a couple lenses, and still have room for other things I might need during the day. I do NOT want to carry more than one bag.

I watched the video for the b-hobo bag and was surprised that it was bigger than I'd imagined. SOLD. Unfortunately, the mustard color I want is currently out of stock. I will wait for it though, and it will be worth it. I'm sure of it.

In case you missed the many links, you can check out Kelly Moore Bags here.

you're welcome!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

i want i need...

I played with one of these for about 2 minutes today:

JEALOUS. It's my favorite friend, Nicole's camera and her pics are great.
so.... I dove back into the piles of research (that I've been doing for far too long) on DSLR cameras and have not committed to any one camera yet, but I am definitely close to being ready to make a purchase.

I think.