It was great. That's what.
Here's me sitting and listening intently:
She talked a lot about the commonalities between artists and scientists... it's funny because the things she touched on seem so obvious, but I'm not sure that everyone would make those same connections. Here's what she noted as the similarities:
- a dedication to exploration of the unknown
- experimentation
- observation
- analysis
- process of discovery
"duh" right? I'm sure my scientist friend is rolling her eyes right now as she reads this... I think we've actually talked a lot about how different yet the same our processes are. Anyway... the lecture was really great. Watched a brief video on 9 evenings (not the linked one, but...) which was also really great. You should too.
See if you can identify which part relates to the title of this blog.
The whole thing got my brain working and I needed that. It's only day 2 of what "they say" is going to be a long weekend of rain. great.
Oh... I saw a gentleman sitting next to Craig Hickman (a very accomplished artist and digital arts professor at the University of Oregon) who had THE MOST fabulous GREEN leather jacket draped over the back of his chair so I took a picture of it:

Turns out that's Robert Rauschenberg's son... how cool. I should have told him that I loved his jacket, but I didn't. (tell him, I mean.) I do love the jacket.

Turns out that's Robert Rauschenberg's son... how cool. I should have told him that I loved his jacket, but I didn't. (tell him, I mean.) I do love the jacket.
It's day 5 of my first week in the bfa program. Friday. I'm headed back to Eugene this weekend to pick up my RABBIT who I miss dearly, as well as a few other things I couldn't fit into my car on my last trip. If you're reading this from the Eug, maybe you'll be lucky enough to see me on my brief return. Wouldn't that be something?
BFA week 1 is IN the can.
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