Monday, May 4, 2009

light it up


i've purchased a couple of fluorescent light fixtures to use as light box displays....
for signs.
for the words i stole from other people.

and i think i have finally arrived at a satisfactory solution. 
much thanks to: 
my pal andrew who really- never lets me down
and that professor (i forget his name...) whose head is filled with all kinds of great ideas that he so generously shares....

now to get the vinyl cut and onto my signs.

i can't believe this term is so close to being over.

i can't believe it.
i can't believe it.
i can't believe it.



Andrew S. Parnell said...

Any time pal.

Word verification: headu ... and then inesro

lindsay said...

thanks again.
and again, and oh- again.

word verification: