Saturday, July 4, 2009


verb [ trans. ]

informal fail to perform or accomplish (something) successfully or well (used esp. in a sporting or acting context) : the extra fluffed his only line.


Zach said...

see also:

lindsay said...

yah... funny story about that.

the bf calls me that sometimes and once while we were in Hollywood video several years ago we came across a movie called The Fluffer and when I picked it up to read what it was about...... ummm yah.

I put it back. I mean, if a movie called The Fluffer is gong to be any good it's likely to be behind some sort of creepy beaded curtain at the back of a video rental and not mixed in with the New Releases...

I told Dom that story and about the nickname... I don't think he's been the same since. : D