Sunday, September 12, 2010

8 months


8 months and I'll have finished my MFA.
this is craziness.

my second and FINAL year of grad school has started and is in full swing. I have ideas for a new project about commodification.

currently I am:

volunteering for PICA with the TBA Festival and loving it. There's a lot to see and I'm enjoying meeting new people.

TA'ing (yes I know that's not correct, but how else do you write it?) for a foundations class at PNCA. I'm assisting in a 2D design class and have really enjoyed working with my mentor teacher.

working with Nan Curtis as my studio mentor again and already our conversations have been great. I think this year is going to be one of a lot of growth and serious challenges that I am eager to take on.

oh- also... I'm moving to the east side.
because this seems like the perfect time to move... heh heh

later, peeps

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