Tuesday, November 2, 2010

november. really?

i was a Lichtenstein painting for Halloween this year.
i love Halloween.
it was particularly great this year because it provided a temporary distraction from the things that are currently frustrating me about graduate school.
this shit is tough.

it's so much harder in ways that i didn't expect. i never expected to have a difficult time writing/ talking about my work and here i am... literally getting in my own way.
maybe i need therapy?

i'm continuing to document the world around me according to its language.
i'm still writing down the interesting tidbits of things that people say and realizing that the reason i love them so much is because they sound like poetry. i'm also realizing that i'm drawn to these things because they are in a context i've never heard before so the potential for organizing their context is entirely up to me... and you.

1 comment:

nicole. said...

im confused. is this a repost???

for a second i thought we fast forwarded to November... which would make me {gasp} almost 35.

shit. can you rewind instead k thanks.