Sunday, December 7, 2008

wait- it's over!?

I just woke up.

You guys are all fabulous and amazing. 
Thanks to everyone for all the great support. The last week and a half here has been amazing. I really REALLY enjoyed the NUTSO time in the studio when it looked and sounded like CHAOS!!! That's how we should start next term... full speed ahead.

Let's collaborate over break. 

I miss you guys already.

: )

Thursday, December 4, 2008


my fingers hurt.

i'm not used to spray painting...

OR spending $35 on RANDOM food at Plaid Pantry for these weirdys.
Here's the list I made for my volunteer run to the store:
2 cans "original" Rock Star.
1 pack cigs.
2 beef-a-ronis. (ps they are NOT 50 cents, Dom)
1 pack strawberry pop tarts
1 liter coca-cola
2 king size snickers bars
4 string cheeses
1 bag white cheddar cheese puffs
1 chicken chimichanga

The lady behind the counter had a big grin on her face as she rang me up. You'd have thought she was on commission or something.

4:23 am
"the boys" just went to bed... i can't believe we've resorted to camping out here. I stopped by my apt. on my way to the store to grab a pillow in case I needed a cat nap too... it smells good.
Like home.

back to the spray painting room...
I wonder if they make thimbles or something for people who spray paint?
my fingers hurt.

32.5 hours till review.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

what does it all mean?

sneak preview for Friday's review... this is kinda where I'm at.
(yes i know that's not proper)

Monday, December 1, 2008

nice statement.

hey guys, 

obviously you can disregard my artist statement that I printed and I will send the proper statement out in an e-mail that you can respond to with comments/ suggestions if you like.